
To run the school smoothly various committee have been formed.

  1. Discipline committee maintains the decorum of the school by conducting surprise checks.
  2. Swacchata committee In coordination with the discipline committee the swachata committee takes care of the cleanliness within the school. Dry and wet waste are segregated compositing is done of wet waste to get manure.
  3. Exam committee conducts exam in a free and fair manner.
  4. Cultural committee decides on the cultural competitions to be participated in, helps in the setting up the annual functions.
  5. PTA (Parents Teachers Association) The school works in synergy with the parents wherein important decision regarding the students are taken.
    Parents teachers association generally meet 4 times a year or even more as per the requirement for intervention.

Committee involving management members

  1. School committee is held once in two months and is the backbone of the school working. Various decisions pertaining to the day to day school activities, new GR’s, expenditures, new projects etc are discussed and resolved in this meeting.
  2. School managing committee meets two or three times a year to discuss about new projects, expenditure rendering different heads etc. This committee also comprises of parents and students.
  3. Transport committee This committee is a mix of parents whose wards travel by different buses, bus owner, teacher members, RTO authority, etc. Two meetings are generally held in a year.