Message from Principal (Primary Section)

Hello everyone,

Welcome to the website of Smt. Kantaben Chandulal Gandhi English School, Kalyan.

Children are the future and the most valued treasure of a strong and prosperous nation.

To build a nation, children's holistic development is of utmost importance. Therefore, our educational programmes and the curriculum model offers numerous opportunities for children to engage and excel in a wide range of curricular and co-curricular activities. We foster in them all the skills: critical thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication. By providing every child a platform to move with a positive mind full of confidence.

To achieve all this we have spacious classrooms, well-stocked library, laboratory and plenty of learning equipment. We have well trained sports incharge in order to train and guide the children in proper direction so that they can make career in sports. We have trained counselors to take care of children's mental health, developmental needs of all students, including those with special needs or disabilities.

Our dedicated and caring teachers are our building blocks. They teach our children not just with their minds but with their hearts, making learning enjoyable and rewarding, and instilling in them sound values. They inspire our children to believe in themselves.

Child’s learning involves and revolves around an effective partnership between home & school.

With the paradigms of education ever-changing, let’s take the arc of history in our hands and build a better and safer tomorrow in imaginative and innovative ways.

Mrs. Sandhya Shetty


(Primary section)